Sunday, January 24, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Bonding time XD
10:30am fetch Ms.R..She so slow ei,say to me wait her after more 10 her sister..dun knw wt =.='' ..But nvm,I can wait even she wn me wait her so long wor..HEhes..Then..10:45am reached plaza meet with other companions.We thought we were late..lolx.XD Ms. R and her other friends went to shopping then I and the rest play DOTA..XD playing for more than 2 hours..Then we stop it Ms.R and others d ma..abit wn go see movie already. Then we go see movie.The title is I LOVE YOU GOODBYE This movie gt nice d..2 sexy scenes..oh yeah..xD We finished to watched it almost after 2 hours i think so.. after watching movie I love you Goodbye. Went down go At t00000000000t cafe.. lolx. xD 3:23pm

After at toooooooooooooooot cafe
went at plaza again for pass time only.xD

Then after taking pictures.(sorry others are nt been uploaded cz all the pictures are nt yet given to me by Mr.K) we go home almost late that time..Then fetch back Ms.R cz her mami ask her go home early a..aizz.(gt nxt time) =) Then i go home alone d.
Then The end wor..lazy continue ei..